President: David Sebastián Bespín
Secretary: Ismael Viejo Monge
María García Camprubí
Olga Cantín Vicente
Miguel Escolano Marco
Carmen Paniagua Muro
Sergio Mayo Macias
Alba Rincón Cuevas
Carlos Peribáñez Subirón
This is the joint and collegiate participation body intended for regular and periodic consultation on the company’s actions regarding risk prevention. It is constituted by part of the company:
Elena Sanjoaquín
Laura Monreal
Eduardo Vea-Murguía
by the workers:
Olga Cantín Vicente
Alba Rincón Cuevas
Miguel Trallero Ferrer
We understand as social action, the set of actions aimed at improving the social conditions of workers and supporting the coverage of contingencies and situations of ITAINNOVA’s personnel, as well as the dedication of part of the human, technical or financial resources to development projects for the benefit of disadvantaged people outside the Institute.
It is constituted by part of the company:
Gema Arbués
Elena Dieste
Gabriel Beltran
by the workers:
David Sebastián Bespín
Miguel Escolano Marco
Carmen Paniagua Muro
The task of this committee is to monitor the Equality Plan that was agreed between the workers and the company.
It is constituted by part of the company:
Esther Borao
Elena Sanjoaquín
Ana Martinez
by the workers:
María García Camprubí
Miguel Escolano Marco
Carmen Paniagua Muro
The task of this committee is to monitor the Telecommuting Policy that was agreed between the workers and the company.
It is constituted by part of the company:
Carlos Millán
Elena Sanjoaquín
Isabel Serrano
by the workers:
David Sebastián Bespín
Ismael Viejo Monge
Sergio Mayo Macias
This is the joint and collegiate body in charge of interpreting the Collective Bargaining Agreement in force when required by the workers or the company.
It is constituted by part of the company:
Esther Borao
Carlos Millán
Elena Sanjoaquín
by the workers:
Ismael Viejo Monge
María García Camprubí
Sergio Mayo Macias